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3BSE042245R1 CB801 Variable Capacitance Accelerometer

📣Model Number:3BSE042245R1 CB801

🌍Country of origin: USA France Germany Estonia Norway UK

⌚Delivery date: in stock

🛠After-sales service: brand new with one year warranty

⚙️ Product Category: Module/Controller/Server/Motor/Touch Screen

🕰Warranty: 12 months/365 days

☎️ Please contact me: 15359029662 Ms. Amy Sun

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💬Whatsapp: +86 15359029662

Detailed content

3BSE042245R1 CB801

3BSE042245R1 CB801 provides the very high thermal stability and global accuracy necessary for measuring relatively low levels of acceleration in laboratory test and measurement, automotive and aerospace applications including military and commercial flight testing.Endevco has patented the new 7290D Typical applications require that accelerometers are subjected to shock motions and the presence of severe vibration inputs after Measurement of whole body motion immediately after the accelerometer is subjected to shock motion and the presence of severe vibration inputs. Gas damping and internal over-range stops enable its anisotropically etched silicon sensing element to withstand high shock and acceleration loads. The use of gas damping in the sensing element also results in very small thermally induced changes in the frequency response.

3BSE042245R1 CB801 With its on-board microprocessor temperature compensation, the Model 7290D provides 2.5% total dynamic accuracy over the entire mil-spec temperature range of -55ºC to +125ºC. Total dynamic accuracy is defined as the root of the sum of the squares of thermal sensitivity offset, nonlinearity and hysteresis, and transverse sensitivity. Custom signal conditioning allows the 7290D models to operate at nominal excitation from 8.0 Vdc to 30.0 Vdc and provide a high level, low impedance output. The ±2.25 V differential outputs (single-ended outputs optional) are DC coupled at a DC bias of approximately 2.5 V. The outputs are also DC coupled at a DC bias of approximately 2.5 V. To maintain tight thermal characteristics and high accuracy, the custom ASIC provides factory-programmable temperature compensation. All compensation and adjustments are included in the accelerometer and no post-processing is required.