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3500/42M Real-Time Operating System

📣Model Number:3500/42M

🌍Country of origin: USA France Germany Estonia Norway UK

⌚Delivery date: in stock

🛠After-sales service: brand new with one year warranty

⚙️ Product Category: Module/Controller/Server/Motor/Touch Screen

🕰Warranty: 12 months/365 days

☎️ Please contact me: 15359029662 Ms. Amy Sun

📎Chinese official website:


💬Whatsapp: +86 15359029662

Detailed content


The 3500/42M’s built-in HMI features include control, status and diagnostic screens that automatically adapt to the look and feel of the native platform. Many additional standard HMI screens are also included for system performance, carton tracking, alarm monitoring and more. When special screens are required, the BOSS HMI can be customised for a wide range of applications These new features provide great flexibility to meet customer requirements and support capabilities. The system’s new integrated user management centralises the configuration of system access. Individual access can be configured based on default job or role permissions, allowing the system to automatically adjust the screens available to each individual.

The 3500/42M utilises a powerful real-time operating system (RTOS) to provide a flexible and information-rich PC-based control solution. new and enhanced multi-processor support in BOSS allows a single controller to manage, control and process more data and devices, opening up new opportunities for control implementations. i/O support in BOSS now includes ControlNet, I/O support in BOSS now includes ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, and the flexibility to add additional I/O support as needed, such as ASI and Profibus platforms. The new version of BOSS continues FKI Logistex’s tradition of industry-leading controls with high-tech features.