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1746SC-INO4I Embedded Web Server

📣Model Number:1746SC-INO4I

🌍Country of origin: USA France Germany Estonia Norway UK

⌚Delivery date: in stock

🛠After-sales service: brand new with one year warranty

⚙️ Product Category: Module/Controller/Server/Motor/Touch Screen

🕰Warranty: 12 months/365 days

☎️ Please contact me: 15359029662 Ms. Amy Sun

📎Chinese official website:


💬Whatsapp: +86 15359029662

Detailed content


The 1746SC-INO4I is available in single or 4-channel models with up to two TCMs connected to each channel, allowing up to eight TCMs to communicate with a single HES. This allows 128 different temperature signals to flow from the field to a MODBUS/TCP based host via an Ethernet link. In addition, these temperature readings can be read by a HART-IP based host or viewed using any off-the-shelf web browser, as the HES includes an embedded web server. Unlike the HMC, the HES can communicate with up to 16 HART devices per channel. Each 16-channel TCM is treated as one HART device, so if two TCMs are connected to a particular HES channel, 14 additional HART devices can still be connected to that channel along with the TCM.

The 1746SC-INO4I converts its signal inputs to the standard HART protocol, which allows the HES to poll each TCM using device-specific HART commands.This device-specific command allows the TCM to send all 16 channel values in a single HART message packet, which improves throughput and response time. Versatility to address the needs of a variety of presence detection and collision avoidance applications Some of the most significant benefits of the 1746SC-INO4I include:
Faster and easier device commissioning and troubleshooting with patented individual sector indicators
Up to 4x higher MTTR than other safety laser scanners, with lower maintenance costs and manufacturing downtime due to equipment damage
Unique memory module allows maintenance technicians to get production lines up and running again without the need for a computer
System monitoring via LAN via integrated Ethernet port
Thinnest unit design due to smallest footprint, especially important in material handling applications
Lowest power consumption, ideal for battery-powered mobile applications