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106M1081-01 Frequency Input Modules

📣Model Number:106M1081-01

🌍Country of origin: USA France Germany Estonia Norway UK

⌚Delivery date: in stock

🛠After-sales service: brand new with one year warranty

⚙️ Product Category: Module/Controller/Server/Motor/Touch Screen

🕰Warranty: 12 months/365 days

☎️ Please contact me: 15359029662 Ms. Amy Sun

📎Chinese official website:


💬Whatsapp: +86 15359029662

Detailed content


The 106M1081-01 accepts zero-crossing or TTL level transducer output signals, then isolates, converts and filters the signal to provide a high level analogue voltage output. Available models measure a variety of frequency signals up to 100kHz; signal amplitudes range from 100mVp-p to 350Vp-pA and provide a 5V constant voltage excitation source for use with magnetic pickup sensors, contact closure sensors, or other sensors that require stimulation. The modules are suitable for almost any process control application. Other ranges are available on request. Modules are encapsulated and sealed and do not require user adjustment over time to maintain calibration. Both the zero crossing and TTL input signal paths have built-in hysteresis to prevent stray noise from corrupting the output signal. To ensure protection of expensive data acquisition equipment, the 8B45 module signal outputs prevent accidental connection of voltages up to 240Vrms.

Specific applications for the 106M1081-01 include:
Any industrial or other process that requires precise measurement of frequency signals
Where space is at a premium; the 8B45 module provides signal conditioning in the smallest package on the market
Monitoring of rotating machinery or equipment
Machine health monitoring
Installations where isolation is required for noise immunity or to break ground loops