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REX521GHHPSH51G Multi-Channel Communication Controller

📣Model Number: REX521GHHPSH51G

🌍Country of origin: USA France Germany Estonia Norway UK

⌚Delivery date: in stock

🛠After-sales service: brand new with one year warranty

⚙️ Product Category: Module/Controller/Server/Motor/Touch Screen

🕰Warranty: 12 months/365 days

📦Product Packaging: seller provides complete and safe protection packaging

🚚 Freight: according to the local freight forwarder, the freight should be subject to different areas.

🆓Whether tariffs are included: no taxes are included

☎️ Please contact me: 15359029662 Ms. Amy Sun

📎Chinese official website:


💬Whatsapp: +86 15359029662

Detailed content


The REX521GHHPSH51G application package includes math, call management, batch processing, wastewater + RSB (stormwater spillway basin) and energy calculations. Memo M can generate emails or text messages to alert users of alarming situations or process events. Messages can be sent to several recipients simultaneously or automatically forwarded to one recipient/destination. Messages can be acknowledged, relayed remotely and current values queried by any web browser.

The REX521GHHPSH51G connectivity solution includes a growing line of in-line PCs that offer greater functionality, programmability and connectivity. These powerful modules communicate directly with the controller LogixPLC through the backplane, providing the flexibility and processing speed of an industrial computer. General features of all network computers include.
– Space-saving, in-cabin, industrial hardware for controls
– Can be added to new or existing controllers without changing the control application.
– Communicates directly with Logix controllers through the backplane using the supplied software package.
– Supports multi-controller communication.
– Supports both local and remote (via 1756-enet or -cET) controllers.